Mid Life Athlete
Mid Life Athlete
Energy systems

Energy systems

In this episode, Jason and Greg tackle the basic tenants of the bodies energy systems.

Show notes

The energy systems represent the body’s ability to convert chemical energy stored in food into mechanical work. There are three main energy systems that the human body uses during exercise. The phosphagen system is the primary energy system used during short-term, high-intensity exercises such as sprinting or weightlifting. Glycolytic system uses lactate from the muscles and glucose from the blood and stored glycogen to provide energy to the muscles. The oxidative system is slower than the phosphagen and glycolytics systems, but can sustain energy production for a longer period of time. The primary players involved in maintaining blood glucose homeostasis are insulin and glucagon. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas. When blood glucose levels get too high, insulin acts to reduce the concentration of blood glucose. Glucagon, a hormone also produced by the liver, converts glycogen in the liver to glucose, which is then released into the bloodstream.

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Mid Life Athlete
Mid Life Athlete
This podcast explores everything you want to know as a mid-life athlete, from how age affects our performance; how our bodies react to training; how should we train as a mid-life athlete; how to prevent injury; what’s the best recovery process and more