Apr 11Liked by Mid Life Athlete

This is such an important topic. I think we think we’re pretty invincible, but there are certainly things we can do now, as a mid-lifer, to help us in the future. Thanks for this piece! The book sounds really interesting.

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WOW!!! This is precisely what I'm sharing about in my next letter coming out on Wednesday.

Witnessing my parents age is eye opening to say the least. They are from a generation whose parents died in their mid-60's. My dad always said he wanted to live until 3 score and 10.

Well, he did that. Almost like clockwork, he significantly declined at 70 with an Alzheimer's diagnosis. No one saw it coming.

He was the healthy parent. The one who was a pescatarian, fasted on Thursdays, did yoga and pilates everyday, took daily walks and practiced music.

My mom is legally blind. We all 'planned' for my dad to take care of her. Now I'm caring for both of them and doing what I can so that IF I need care at that stage of life, my affairs are in order. AND, also preparing to not need that care.

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